
Advertising on ParkLeaksMC

Do you want to generate more publicity for your Minecraft theme park? Then we have good news for you! At ParkLeaksMC, we offer free banner ads so you can bring your park or events to the attention of our 500+ unique monthly visitors.

Why should you choose banner advertising on ParkLeaksMC? Our website has a specific target audience: Minecraft enthusiasts who love theme parks. This means your ad will be shown to people who are already interested in the topic, increasing the interaction with your park.

In addition, you benefit from our growing number of visitors. With over 500 unique visitors per month, you have the opportunity to present your park to a wide audience. This not only increases the chance of more visitors, but also creates an opportunity to have your park discovered and shared with other passionate Minecraft theme park enthusiasts.

Our banner ads are free, which means you have no cost to place your ad on ParkLeaksMC. We believe in supporting the Minecraft (theme) park community and want to give you the opportunity to promote your park in an effective way.

The process is simple. You provide us with your banner ad in the appropriate format and we will make sure it is displayed on our website. Make sure your ad is attractive and informative so that visitors become curious about your park and want to visit. Tip: Submit multiple ads for both formats to make them stand out even more.

So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of free banner advertising on ParkLeaksMC and give your Minecraft theme park the attention it deserves! We look forward to displaying your ad on our website and growing the Minecraft theme park community together. Contact us today on Discord and submit your banner ad. Our team is ready to help you and answer all your questions.

Formats Ads:
  • Desktop: 720 x 90 px
  • Mobile: 600 x 300 px

Please note: Free banner advertising on ParkLeaksMC is only available for Minecraft theme parks. We want to ensure that ads are relevant to our community and capture the interest of our visitors. If your ad is not related to Minecraft theme parks, unfortunately we cannot offer free ad space.